Ask The Umpire Rule Five

This section contains questions pertaining to MLB Rule Five – Putting the Ball in Play. It is designed as a self-test to challenge your knowledge. Answers and rulings are given at the end.

1.  The ball remains live when any award of a base on balls is made

    A.  always

    B.  sometimes

    C.  never

2.  With runners on second and third and two outs, B4 comes to bat. The coach yells “put him on”.

    A.  four balls must be pitched

    B.  four balls must be pitched unless a speed-up rule is being used

    C.  the ball remains live as B4 trots to first

    D.  the umpire should declare a dead ball as B4 trots to first

3.  R3 is on third with one out when B2 hits a pop up on the infield. R3 thinks there are two outs and jogs home, touching the plate. Before F4 can catch the ball, the on-deck batter yells to R3 to return to third base. R3 retouches home and is between third and home when F4 drops the ball and throws to F5 who tags R3

    A.  R3 is out of luck; he’s out

    B.  its R3’s lucky day; he scores in spite of his blunder  

4.  With a runner on first, F1 delivers and R1 breaks on the pitch. The umpire interferes with F2 and the throw goes into center field. R1 tries for third and is thrown out by F8.

    A.  R1 is called out

    B.  R1 is returned to first

    C.  R1 is returned to second

    D.  the play stands 

5.  With R1 on first base and two outs, the count is 3-2 on B2, the pitch is swung at by B2, and missed, and lodges in F2’s mask

    A.  the ball is dead

    B.  B2 is awarded first base

    C.  R1 is awarded second base

    D.  batter is out on strikes, inning over

6. With R1 on first base and one out. The count is 2-2 on B2. The next pitch is ball three and lodges in the umpire’s mask

    A.  the ball is dead

    B.  the count is now 3-2

    C.  B2 remains at bat

    D.  R1 is awarded second base

    E.  all of the above

7.  R3 is on third with one out when B1 strikes out swinging. Thinking three are out, the catcher tosses the ball over his shoulder to the plate umpire, who catches it and watches in horror as R3 slides across the plate

    A.  the ball is dead

    B.  R3 returns to third

    C.  R3 scores

    D.  the ball is live

8.  The batter must make an attempt to avoid the pitch

    A.  true

    B.  false

9.  If a batter swings at a pitch and is hit by the pitch, can he go to first base?

    A.  yes

    B.  no

10.  If a batter with a 2-strike count, swings at strike three and is hit by the pitch, can he go to first base?

    A.  yes

    B.  no