Contact The Author
This website is dedicated to all umpires of BASEBALL regardless of their level from professional baseball to the little league. My intention is to aid umpires in the administration of the rules of baseball according to the Major League Baseball Rule Book. As you read the information on the website I hope that it has been a learning experience for all. I believe that umpiring baseball is an evolving experience. I believe an umpire, no matter what level, should always be learning and improving. I hope that has been accomplished in the writing of the website. I have always taken the task of working games seriously. I have said many times we should treat each game at every level that I officiate as if it was the seventh game of the World Series. The participants in every level expect us to do our best to be perfect and we should strive to be. The work on this website is a gift of love back to those who have dedicated their time and effort working in all aspects of Umpiring Baseball.
I have learned and have been given much and to whom much is given much is required. (Luke 12:48) I hope, I have given something of value back. So I thank you for taking a look at this effort. I would like to ask you to contact me with any questions about what has been written. Let me know good or not what you think of the content and let me know how I could improve. I want your critique!
Please send stories of unusual happening in games you have worked as an umpire or player or coach. I would love to add that as a page to the website and put in your credentials. Let me know if you believe I should have or should do something different, I am always open to suggestions. Again Thanks for taking a look at website. I endeavor to serve.
Thank You! Bill deMoss
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